The Vayus 1.0
The Vayus 1.0
The Prana Vayus (vayu, meaning wind) direct Prana (energy) within the subtle body in very intelligent and specific ways. The 5 major Prana Vayus are Apana, Samana, Pran, Udana, and Vyana and they all have unique locations, functions and actions that when working in harmony allow us to feel physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically balanced and aligned.
In this 6 class series, we explore the 5 major Vayus including their function, location and actions within the body and what may happen if these pathways are not functioning optimally. Through exploration of philosophy and energetics in the context of asana, pranayama, kriya meditation and mantra, this series will give you a better understanding of the 5 major Prana Vayus and how to work with them in your own practice to optimise and manage your energy in your life.